
Showing posts from September, 2019
     Today we didn’t attend Mr.Rease class due to us going to homeroom.
     Today in Mr.Rease class we wrote down new rules. We then wrote about a quick write. I feel like in 7 minutes I made a little too many grammatical errors.We then proceeded to work on the project until the bell ring.
       Today in Mr.Rease class we talked about dreams. We also talked about the novel Wild. We also reviewed the chapters and it revealed a lot about Cheryl’s character. I’m actually starting to dislike he less because she feel actually human.
     Today in Mr.Rease class we took a test on chapters five and six. I feel like i did ok but could have done better did a lot better. After the test we read a selection about people that live in the wilderness for a prolonged amount of time. It wasn’t the most interesting of passages ,but I’m not complaining. I just wish we coulda worked on thesis statements.
      Today in Mr.Rease class we read over the novel “Wild”. We read chapter 2 and I’m starting to dislike the author already. She says stupid prayers like praying with curse words. Plus she cheated lm her husband. Then she talking about taking a trip across the country by way of foot. She just seems stupid to me and I don’t like her. Maybe this will change before the novel is over with maybe it won’t who knows?
     Today in Mr.Rease class we discussed 9/11. We also discussed what does it mean to be a patriot and patriotism it’s self. Mr.Rease also told us to name your american hero and I named him. We didn’t get a chance to read our book in class ,but we will tomorrow. And also for the first time I did my homework and just for Mr.Rease to say he will collect it tomorrow.
Open Debate      Today in Mr.Reese class we learnt about how to approach an argument. We learnt you don’t get your point across sitting there being a mean critic that’s not gone help. Today we read about a father who pretended like he lost a argument with his son so he can really just get what he came in the room for which was a replacement tube of toothpaste. Mr. Reese also appealed the lesson to a very relatable topic which was the A/C. He asked students how can they approach him about it without starting an argument. We also learned to set goals.
The Big Test      Today in Mr.Rease class was a peculiar day. It was strange because we actually had a test on stuff we were studying. And another reason it was peculiar was that I actually drifted to sleep on the exam.I drifted to sleep because I was up at like 2 Am unable to go to sleep. Plus on top of that Cornel Brady had us to play kick ball and I was still hot from that so I guess that with Mr.Rease air conditioning just made my eyelids feel heavy. But anteways I feel like i did pretty good on the test because it seemed like I knew a good deal of the answers due to studying/