
Showing posts from October, 2019
The process of writing this essay wasn’t easy. For one we had to understand the criteria and what was expected. After that we had to determine what we wanted to do which I chose which was school. School is an interesting concept to me and I can relate to it meaning I had a lot to write about. The process of writing resulted in a couple broken pencils and a whole lot of paper balled up but I think the end result is actually pretty good.
It was a slow day in Mr.Rease class. We were talking about careers and reading and most of the class had left due to A/B honor roll.
Today in rease we presented our projects. I felt i did better last time. Hopefully my grade will reflect that.
Today in Mr.Rease class we took our test on devices 1-7. I i felt like this was a good grade in the bag ,but I feel like I might have gotten the mistaken for one another. Overall i feel like i did pretty great.
      Today in Mr. Rease class was kinda slow. We was scheduled for a pep rally so we didn’t do much. The catch was that the pep rally was kinda behind schedule and began at like 1:50. I kinda was disappointed. Also I kinda enjoyed the Frankenstein play we seen.
Today in Mr.Rease class due to most of the class being absent we just made a circle and asked what if questions. They were similar to your bellringer and we were often forced to use your brain making it educational and a learning experience. I felt like it was deep but necessary. Even though I sometimes didn’t  agree with my classmates I still listened and respected their opinions.
Today in Mr. Rease class we presented our projects. I liked Jada’s presentation. I felt like mine was ok ,but was room from for improvement hopefully this next project would be the step into the right direction and to kick off my 2nd quarter to the its rightful place.
Today in Mr.Rease class we proceeded to continue learning. I kinda got lost.
Today in Mr.Rease class we added more words to our arsenal. We then proceeded to play kahoot.
Today in Mr.Rease class we had a sub. She was ok we really didn’t do anything constructive. But everyone came here for one thing, homing ballots. Darian had won and so did Cameron this was a shock to many.
Today in Mr.Rease we learned about Lotices. We learned their definition and how to use them in a sentence. We learned that it is basically saying something the other way. For example instead of saying that test was hard. We said that test was not easy.
     Today in Mr.Rease we talked about hyperboles. I learned that it’s three different ways to use one. I also learned how to use it more effective in a sentence.
     Today in Mr. Rease class we gave our attention to the two groups who present chapter 14 and 15. Their presentation was pretty nice, but i personally feel like my group’s presentation was better. Both groups had one group mate missing which they then had to improvise. It had me thinking what if one of my group mates didn’t show? If we had a presentation and one of my group mates didn’t show up I’d be furious.