
Showing posts from August, 2019
A Blast From The Past      Wow today in Mr.Reese class we read a passage called “Mothers Tongue”. This passage i could have sworn we read when we completed our AP assignment online on the AP website. On the website  I kinda understood the text. But when Mr.Reese and I went over it in class i grasped a deeper understanding about the background and why the mother talks strange. We the. we’re tasked with the assignment of choosing a side on an argument. The prompt was do family or peers influence a person learning a new language. I choose the side with peers and supported with they be around their peers more than their family due to school and extracurricular activities. Mr.Reese gave a fair critique on my paper showed me some flaws in it and pointed out where I did good. I overall believe I did ok but there is a lot of room for improvement.
Comma Slices      Today in class we were in Mrs.Reese class when the announcements had called for Alex, Tyrone, Iyana , Keana, and I. We had to fill out forms for our bishop state dual enrollment. We were in Mrs.Dailey’s office. It’s empty but pretty comfortable in there. After Mrs.Prowell let us go back to class I went back to Mrs.Rease class. The lesson today was about the eight comma rules. I understood what he was saying , but some stuff didn’t make sense to me like how we was studying commas ,but I  muscled up and powered through it.
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